Zdravstveni radnici u pojedinim zdravstvenim centrima u Srbiji dobili su zabrane svake obustave rada u zdravstvenim ustanovama u kojima su zaposleni i to svi – od lekara do spremačica, a posle prve dve obustave na 15 minuta prošlog petka, kada su se zaposleni ZC Knjaževac i ZC Studenica iz Kraljeva pridružili zahtevima studenata i akciji Zastani, Srbijo, u okviru koje su odali poštu poginulima u Novom Sadu kada se na njih obrušila nadstrešnica Železničke stanice.
The main conceptual idea behind the text is to explore why health workers in Serbia face disciplinary actions, specifically written warnings, after participating in the "Zastani Srbijo" (Support Serbia) movement and showing solidarity with students. The text likely investigates the relationship between this government action and the principles of freedom of expression, right to assembly, and workers' rights within the Serbian healthcare system.